Author Archives: Deni

Tom’s GBW for 2008

The GoodThrone of Blood

Kurosawa and Shakespeare getting together so well, almost like peas and carrots.

The BadAshes of Time Redux

Sure it’s looks incredible but the pacing is so horrible that I fell asleep.

The WeirdImprint

It was a toss up between this and Oldboy, but as both share similar themes and high levels of violence, it came down to which one was generally weirder, and Miike doesn’t disappoint. … (read more)

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John’s GBW for 2008

The GoodRed Cliff

Is, without a doubt, John Woo’s best film since Bullet in the Head. It’s also his first “real” Chinese movie since leaving HK in the mid-1990s. Red Cliff could wear the subtitle: The Emperor and the strategist. It stars Tony Leung and Zhang Fengyi as opposing figures in this historical epic based on the famous Sino text “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”. A perfect blend of character and action with spectacular CGI. It’s guaranteed … (read more)

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Alison’s GBW for 2008

The GoodTriangle

Tight, crisp, and startling on the palate, with great acting and a mood so strong you’ll be hugging yourself with glee.

The BadBattle of Wits

Good because it had Andy Lau in it (for whom I’d watch 3 hours of laundry spinning), but otherwise pretty much a waste of celluloid.

The WeirdImprint

No-one besides Miike could have come up with this. I want to wash out my brain with soap. … (read more)

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Deni’s GBW for 2008

The GoodSukiyaki Western Django

Single-handedly responsible for a personal resurgence of interest in and appreciation of Sergio Leone, Miike’s Cowboy extravaganza almost made my Weird list – until I realised it was Miike and the trick is just not to think about it too hard…

The BadHellsing Ultimate

God, I wanted to like it, I really did. But this spit-polished, bloodier remake of what was in my opinion a series already worth the viewing time just … (read more)

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32nd Hong Kong International Film Festival 2008

Day 8

I am sad yet relieved because today was the last day of screenings for me, but it also means that at last, I get to do some mad shopping in the last days before I go home. Hooray!

The Drummer was up first today. Starring Jaycee Chan and directed by Kenneth Bi, The Drummer was about Sid (Jaycee) who sleeps with Steven’s wife. Steven is a powerful businessman who finds out about the affair and demands from Sid’s … (read more)

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Some of the best (and worst) stuff seen in 2007



The Host: I can quite easily say that this is the best creature film that I’ve seen in the last ten years. Cloverfield has a lot to live up to now.

Paprika: Satoshi Kon’s latest film while not his best work still is something to behold in all its wonder and beauty.

Aachi & Ssipak: A strange film but it entertained me and kept my movie nerd-dum alive and well with subtle pop culture references … (read more)

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Deni’s Top 5 films for 2006

1. Gankutsuo: An exotic passion-play with a sci-fi twist; Albert is the perfect sacrificial victim and the Count is the perfect flawed monster. The classics never looked so good!

2. Election 2: And I thought Election was good! Louis Koo made me change my mind about him (good). And minced meat (bad).

3. Starfish Hotel: Dark and dreamlike, all its elements part of a deeper whole. Gorgeous and fascinating.

4. Hold up Down/Dead Run: … (read more)

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30th Hong Kong International Film Festival

Johnny To and the art of non-disclosure

Day 1: Well the 30th Hong Kong International Film Festival started off with a bang on opening night, although it might be a little more appropriate to say it started off with a grind, considering that one of the two films on show was the premiere of Johhny To’s latest offering, the sequel to last year’s gritty gangster hit Election. Now, that might sound like a criticism but when it comes to … (read more)

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