Our own Rhys was surprised to find something interesting in the shops, on this slipcase of a bootleg copy of Stephen Chow’s most recent film: the first paragraph of his own review of Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons!
As he writes:
The review I wrote of JTTW has turned up on the back of the DVD. It’s a shame I didn’t say anything about the plot! It’s hard to know how far this will spread… In my head I am imagining people reading this in Kowloon markets for years to come.
Here’s a photo for your amusement:
Who know how many other decidedly unofficial video releases are out there, proudly featuring the choicest paragraphs from their Heroic Cinema reviews!
(Note: If it isn’t crystal clear, this is obviously a pirated disc — the real Hong Kong release is here on YesAsia and has a far less surprising English synopsis on the back cover!)